NCTC new bacterial strains 2021

NCTC is currently in its 103rd year of operation and holds approximately 6,000 bacterial reference and type strains, many of which are of medical and veterinary importance.
Each year, bacterial strains are added to the collection by those who wish to share strains of diagnostic or industrial utility, veterinary and public health establishments who wish to share strains that carry emergent or important virulence factors or antibiotic resistance determinants, and researchers who deposit proposed type strains of novel taxa into the collection to validly describe them.
Forty-seven bacterial strains were made available to the scientific community in 2021. Of these 47 strains, 17 strains constitute novel prokaryotic taxa, with the remaining 30 strains comprised of historic strains, antimicrobial resistant (AMR) reference strains, contemporary clinical and veterinary reference strains, type strains not previously held by the NCTC, and a laboratory reference strain.
Read the full article for a commentary on these strains and their significance.
Turnbull, Jake David et al. “Notification List of Bacterial Strains Made Available by the United Kingdom National Collection of Type Cultures in 2021.” Microbiology resource announcements vol. 11,8 (2022): e0035722. doi:10.1128/mra.00357-2
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