The National Collection of Pathogenic Viruses (NCPV)
We preserve well characterised, authenticated human pathogenic viruses in a secure facility, and supply the agents, or nucleic acids derived from them, to the scientific community according to national and international guides
The collection is primarily comprised of human pathogenic viruses requiring handling at UK biosafety levels 3 or 4, but has expanded to encompass hazard group 2 pathogens. Most of the material is in the form of cell-cultured virus stocks.
NCPV is one of four Culture Collections of UK Health Security Agency and offers a number of services such as safe deposit storage of viruses, providing a safe, secure backup to the customer's own storage facility. We store and carry out viability testing on virus patent deposits on behalf of ECACC, and undertakes any virological investigations they may require.
Restrictions on the supply of highly pathogenic virus exist - Individuals and organisations must be registered with us to access restricted items.


X-ray irradiated viruses

Virus LENTICULE® Discs
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NCPV is a registered trademark of the UK Health Security Agency in the UK. The trademark must not be used without a license agreement. Parties interested in using the trademarks should contact us