Murray, microbes, and me by Kate Baker

The life of the microbiologist and clinician Professor Everitt Murray is the focus of a recent article in the Microbiology Society’s publication Microbial Genomics. The article by Kate Baker charts Murray’s career and involvement with NCTC. During World War 1 Murray researched bacterial dysentery and one of the isolates he worked with (Shigella flexneri) became the first strain (NCTC1) of the newly created National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC).
Many of Murray’s private bacterial collection, which contains members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, are available from NCTC. These strains from the pre-antibiotic era are an important resource, particularly for those researching antimicrobial resistance.
Read the article:
Microbial Genomics: Murray, microbes and me by Kate Baker
Related Links:
World War I soldier helps in fight against dysentery