ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting presentations

In September 2021 NCTC hosted the 39th Annual Meeting of the European Culture Collections’ Organisation (ECCO).
Below you can access presentations from the day:
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Welcome Address and Marcel Jaspars Keynote
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Welcome Address and Marcel Jaspars Keynote
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting - Featured speaker Barry Atkinson - COVID
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Session 1 - Validation and use of culture collections
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Session 2 - Nagoya Protocol and ABS
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Session 3 - Microbiomes
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Session 4 - Culture collection projects and research
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Session 5 - Standards (Quality, Safety, Biosecurity, Transportation)
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Session 6 - Bioinformatics, data management. Closing of the conference
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Oral Presentations Session A
ECCO XXXIX. Virtual Meeting – Oral Presentations Session B